Combining relations and text in scientific network clustering (bibtex)
by David Combe, Christine Largeron, Elod Egyed-Zsigmond, Mathias Géry
Combining relations and text in scientific network clustering (David Combe, Christine Largeron, Elod Egyed-Zsigmond, Mathias Géry), In First International Workshop on Semantic Social Network Analyis and Design at IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, 2012.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Combe, David and Largeron, Christine and Egyed-Zsigmond, Elod and G\'{e}ry, Mathias},
booktitle = {First International Workshop on Semantic Social Network Analyis and Design at IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining},
pages = {1280--1285},
title = {{Combining relations and text in scientific network clustering}},
year = {2012}
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